Campus Improvement Plan 2020-2021
Memorial High School
- Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
- Goal 1: Student Achievement
- Goal 2: Student Support
- Goal 3: Safe Schools
- Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
Spring Branch Independent School DistrictÂ
Memorial High School
2020-2021 Campus Improvement Plan
Mission Statement
The mission of Memorial High School is to provide an environment which will enable students to develop and to continue the lifelong academic, cultural, and physical aspects of learning in order to foster visionary individuals who strive toward excellence with a sense of global and technological awareness and who will go forth to serve the community and world as responsible citizens.
We, the student body, strive to surpass the standards of an exemplary school through exhibiting unity among diversity, demonstrating commitment to improving ourselves, and representing the highest degree of integrity to strengthen the future of Memorial High School by living out the Mustang Way.
Core Values
Every Child
We put students at the heart of everything we do.
Collective Greatness
We, as a community, leverage our individual strengths to reach challenging goals.
Collaborative Spirit
We believe in each other and find joy in our work.
Limitless Curiosity
We never stop learning and growing.
Moral Compass
We are guided by strong character, ethics and integrity.
Goal 1: Student Achievement
Student Achievement
- Performance Objective 1 - POST-SECONDARY READINESS
- Performance Objective 2 - ACHIEVEMENT
- Performance Objective 3 - GAP-CLOSING
- Performance Objective 4 - ADVANCED COURSES
- Performance Objective 6 - POST-SECONDARY ENROLLMENT
Performance Objective 1 - POST-SECONDARY READINESS
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Memorial High School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 1: POST-SECONDARY READINESS: By June 2021, at least 80% of Memorial High School students will perform at postsecondary-ready levels SAT (480 in Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and 530 in Math) and/or ACT (composite score of 23 or higher; min 19 in English and Math).
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: 75% performed at post-secondary readiness levels as defined by SBISD Measures of Success
2017-18: 80% performed at post-secondary readiness levels as defined by SBISD Measures of Success
Evaluation Data Sources: SAT Reports ACT Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Connect PSAT scores to Khan Academy to offer PSAT prep to students outside of the school day. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase score on SAT. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: English Teachers, TLS |
Performance Objective 2 - ACHIEVEMENT
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Memorial High School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 2: ACHIEVEMENT: By June 2021, Memorial High School will increase student performance on STAAR end-of-course exams in all subjects tested by at least 3 points at each performance level (approaches, meets, masters).
2019-20: Not rated due to Covid
2018-19: Reading: 87% (approaches), 79% (meets), 11% (masters); Math: 87% (approaches), 62% (meets), 2% (masters)
2017-18: Reading: 88% (approaches), 82% (meets), 12% (masters); Math: 91% (approaches), 65% (meets), 7% (masters)
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR EOC reports and State Accountability Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Algebra 1 is scaffolding instruction to best fill the gaps of under performing students. The team has identified essential standards and are building curriculum to best enforce mathematical understanding. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in the number of students meeting standards. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: None |
Strategy 2: English Team is scaffolding instruction to best fill the gaps of under performing students. The team has identified essential standards and are building curriculum to best enforce critical and analytical reading skills. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase in reading performance Staff Responsible for Monitoring: ELA teachers, ESOL teacher, TLS, Assistant Principals |
Performance Objective 3 - GAP-CLOSING
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Memorial High School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 3: GAP-CLOSING: By June 2021, Memorial High School will increase overall performance on STAAR end-of-course exams to narrow the gap or improve performance above the target by at least 5 points.
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Economically Disadvantaged 38%; non-Economically Disadvantaged 82%
2017-18: Economically Disadvantaged 53%; non-Economically Disadvantaged 84%
2018-19: Hispanic 51%; non- Hispanic 81%
2017-18: Hispanic 61%; non- Hispanic 84%
2018-19: Sped 0%; non-Sped 78%
2017-18: Sped 4%; non-Sped 83%
2018-19: EL 21%; non-EL 77%
2017-18: EL 31%; non-EL 82%
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR EOC reports and State Accountability Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: MHS will create targeted classes for English Language Learners and utilize strategies that are specific to language acquisitions and proficiency. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased passing rate on state assessments. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: TLS, ELA Teachers, ESL Department Chair |
Strategy 2: MHS will create targeted intervention classes specific based on performance on standardized testing. Teachers will utilize differentiated instructional strategies to holistically increase student performance. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: None Staff Responsible for Monitoring: TLS Intervention, Teachers |
Performance Objective 4 - ADVANCED COURSES
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Memorial High School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 4: ADVANCED COURSES: Strengthen the level of advanced academic instruction in order to increase student preparation for and success in advanced courses that are aligned to post-secondary expectations.
Fall 2020: 505 students enrolled in one or more dual credit/dual enrollment courses.
Fall 2019: 450 students enrolled in one or more dual credit/dual enrollment courses.
Fall 2018: 433 students enrolled in one or more dual credit/dual enrollment courses.
Evaluation Data Sources: Skyward Course Enrollment Data
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Encourage every student to enroll in and successfully complete at least one advanced course during high school. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increasing the number of students taking advanced courses. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: None |
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Memorial High School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 5: COLLEGE, CAREER, MILITARY READINESS (CCMR): By June 2021, Memorial High School will increase the % of graduates achieving College, Career, Military Readiness status by at least 2 points.
2020: [Not released yet ]% of annual graduates met CCMR indicator
2019: 89.7% of annual graduates met CCMR indicator
2018: 86.8% of annual graduate met CCMR indicator
Evaluation Data Sources: State Accountability Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Monitor and promote course selection options that reflect student interests and past performance. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of students who achieves a CCMR designation will increase. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors, CTE Teachers |
Strategy 2: Increase the number of students who earn a TEA-approved Industry Based Certification. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of students who earn certifications will increase. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, CTE Teachers |
Strategy 3: Increase the number of students who complete a college-level dual credit course. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of students who complete a college-level dual credit course will increase. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Counselors, Teachers |
Strategy 4: Increase the number of students who earn college credit on AP Exams. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of students earning college credit on AP exams will increase. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors, Teachers |
Strategy 5: Increase the number of students who score at or above the college ready level on SAT, ACT, TSIA or earned credit for a college prep course. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: The number of students who score at or above the college ready level will increase. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Counselors, Teachers |
Performance Objective 6 - POST-SECONDARY ENROLLMENT
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Memorial High School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 6: POST-SECONDARY ENROLLMENT: For the Class of 2020, at least 87% of Memorial High School graduates will have enrolled successfully in a postsecondary option (T, 2, 4).
Nov. 2019: 86% enrolled in fall following graduation
Nov. 2018: 86% enrolled in fall following graduation
Nov. 2017: 86% enrolled in fall following graduation
Evaluation Data Sources: National Student Clearinghouse
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: MHS will continue to work with Collegiate Challenge, One Goal, Emerge and the Mentoring Program to increase post secondary enrollment in Naviance. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: An increase in post-secondary enrollment (Technical, Military, 2 year and 4 year College). Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Counselors, Advisory Teachers, Administration, One Goal Teacher |
Goal 2: Student Support
Student Support
- Performance Objective 1 - SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS
- Performance Objective 2 - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING
- Performance Objective 3 - COUNSELING/STUDENT SUPPORT
Performance Objective 1 - SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Memorial High School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 1: SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS: By June 2021, the % of Memorial High School students who feel connected as both individuals and learners will increase by at least 5 points.
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: 48% School Climate
2017-18: 45% School Climate
Evaluation Data Sources: Panorama Student Survey
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: MHS will create an advisory time extended from 3rd period class to develop a better relationship between student- teacher. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: More participation in the Panorama survey because of better relationships with the teacher. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Advisory Teachers, Administration, TLS |
Strategy 2: MHS will host a club fair in the fall and the spring to ensure all students will be involved in one activity, club or extra curricular activity. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase participation in clubs and extra curricular activities. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Coaches, Club Sponsors, Assistant Principals, Counselors |
Performance Objective 2 - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Memorial High School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 2: GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING: Each grade level classroom will implement and support character education and social- emotional learning curriculum.
Evaluation Data Sources: Training materials and attendance rosters
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Students will build soft skills to enhance their secondary and post-secondary opportunities. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will obtain higher scores on the Panorama SEL Skills Survey. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors, Teachers |
Performance Objective 3 - COUNSELING/STUDENT SUPPORT
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Memorial High School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 3: COUNSELING/STUDENT SUPPORT: 100% of 9th graders will have an informed four-year plan and 80% of 11th graders will have a preliminary post-secondary plan.
Evaluation Data Sources: Naviance Reports, Skyward Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: The counseling team will meet with every 9th grader to develop their four year plan and every 11th grader to develop their post-secondary plan. |
Goal 3: Safe Schools
Safe Schools
- Goal 3: Performance Objective 1 - CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE
- Goal 3: Performance Objective 2 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS
Goal 3: Performance Objective 1 - CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Memorial High School will ensure a safe and orderly environment.
Performance Objective 1: CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE: Establish Campus Safety Committees composed of a cross section of stakeholders to look at matters related to campus safety.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Safety Committee
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE: Establish Campus Safety Committees composed of a cross section of stake holders to look at matters related to campus safety. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Each Campus principal will recruit a safety team and provide a roster. Each campus team will meet three times per year so that all campuses will be able to refine safety practices. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators |
Strategy 2: HARRIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Participate in the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) campus safety audit. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus will develop action plans to address any deficiencies as a result of safety audits. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Safety Committee |
Goal 3: Performance Objective 2 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Memorial High School will ensure a safe and orderly environment.
Performance Objective 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS: Develop Campus Emergency Operations Procedures that comply with SB 11, and include Standard Operating Procedures.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus emergency operation procedures documents
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Campus EOP will align to the best practices from the Texas School Safe Center and the Standard Operating Procedures, such as the "I Love You Guys" Foundation. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus EOP turned in and filed by September 1st. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators |
Strategy 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Update campus EOPs annually and train staff at the start of each school year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus procedures maintained in campus EOP. Staff training documents maintained. EOP submitted by September 1st. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committees |
Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscal Responsibility
Goal 4: Performance Objective 1 - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
Goal 4: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. Memorial High School will ensure efficient and effective fiscal management of resources and operations to maximize learning for all students.
Performance Objective 1: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Maintain high quality financial management practices so that financial resources provide the maximum possible support for T-2-4.
Evaluation Data Sources: Year-To-Date (YTD) Budget Reports (monthly, quarterly, annually)
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Conduct frequent budget meetings with Bookkeeper to review and manage money. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Error free records. Documentation of purchases and orders. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Administrative Assistant |